Cave quest 2
Cave quest 2

cave quest 2

A line of boulders shoot up from the ground (the two lines create a + pattern across the ring).Beware as this attack cannot be countered by stability and has a similar telegraph to the claw attack. The dragon's biting jaw attack that shoots up from the ground, launching players in the air as well as crippling and bleeding them.The dragon's knockdown claw attack (Braham's bubble and skills that grant stability help with this) that happens twice in a row.Eight plant bombs that explode (launching you) upon proximity, you can explode them in safety by walking over vines that appear between pairs of the bombs.There will be four obstacles in this phase: At each point, Braham is able to create a bubble that pulses stability and protection (thus preventing the dragon's attacks from interrupting the channeling) - which point gets the bubble is random until you begin channeling, where he will place the bubble at your point. Rox creates circles that will cause you to be Imbued with Divine Fire when you walk through them, which allows you to go to four points along the ring to light the fire. The second phase is the longest, during which you will need to light a ring of divine fire. In the course of this phase, Marjory helps you by summoning her Bone Minions. After killing all Shadow Tendrils, the Shadow of the Dragon will dive into the ground at the center of the ring - the knockback effect covers all but the borders, though does very little damage. When its health lowers, it will also begin tossing dazing boulders into the ring. During this phase, the Shadow of the Dragon is invulnerable and has three attacks: a roar that damages and launches in a triangle-shape a slam attack to the center of the ring and a slamming shockwave attack that covers the border of the ring. These tendrils function similar to Jungle Tendrils, except that the ranged attack blinds on top of poisons (like the Dragon Tendrils' ranged attack). In the first phase, you need to destroy all Shadow Tendrils (the number of which depends on the Shadow of the Dragons' health). The fight is divided into three phases which change as the Shadow of the Dragons' health goes down. You can explore the cavern before or after planting the memory seed and find a magical artifact by the sand-filled gate or five mysterious rings across a pool of water at the north side of the cave.Īfter you confront Caithe, the Shadow of the Dragon appears and creates a ring out of vines that separates players from the biconics while Caithe flees the scene once again with Glint's Egg. As Caithe, talk to Wynne to learn about the sylvari's secret. Interact with the memory location to enter Caithe's memory of the place. Once you reach into a huge golden cavern, hug the left wall and walk by some stools and steins and a bristle-burn bush until you reach an area where you find a memory seed location by a sleeping sack. Follow the passage and fight off any foes you encounter.

cave quest 2

Inside the cave, it is recommended to stick to Rox as you might get lost in the darkness. Dragon Tendrils remaining: x (Starts with two, later increases to 3)Ī Memory Seed Location by a Sleeping Sack.Destroy dragon tendrils to weaken the dragon.

cave quest 2

  • Encourage Wynne to tell what she knows.
  • (Use your intuition to locate the final memory.).
  • Use divine fire while your companions hold off Mordrem.
  • Use divine fire to activate the cavern entrance.
  • Meet up with your companions at the cavern entrance.
  • Use skritt tunnels to reach the Far Silverwastes.
  • 6.1 Looking for the final memory location.

  • Cave quest 2